Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring, spring

i haven't used this in ages *blows dust off* now, were was i?

oh yes, spring is in the air, i've always have loved this season. the season of renewal, and change. Also, nothing beats the smell of a spring storm, except maybe Christmas cookies, but i have to wait awhile for that. how is my life? well, lets see...its, life i suppose. not to great right now, but not at its worst, not by a long shot. my job is really pissing me off, for the first time i'm pissed at my boss, he can be nice, but damn he can be a pain in my ass sometimes he just really gets to me. dont work a night at a subway, you will be blamed for everything. trust me. i'm not working as much this week, so hopefully i will be able to go out and take some pictures, as well as start my new goal of going to the troy skatepark, or other area skateparks 2-3 times a week if able. just so my doodle doesn't get upset, free ones :P. i can't wait till the flowers return, and the leafs on the trees. i'm hoeing this spring will be my own personal renewal. Considering i finally know what i really want with my life now, and don't want to lose grasp of it like i almost have. it sucks that my two best friends are gone, i always seem to have a great time with them, regardless of my mood, they can always pick me up. my best friend joe, is out in Washington state trying to get some money, and my other, nick is out studding abroad in Germany. as well as my other friends, but most of my friends are uber nerds and thus, have no social life :P hahaha jk guys. i really need to show people more of the side of me that joe see's that goffy, you cant shut me up side, but i really dont now, because most people just go "OMG HE SPEEKS" and it embarrasses me so i just shut down. ah, oh well i'd rather get dumb comments like that then be a mute and look depressed the rest of my life.

and the things between my dad and myself are well, ever since he started going roller skating at skate world he has been fairly happy, and rather pleasant to be around. it sucks my brother probably wont be coming home this summer, but i can understand why, i should take sam and go visit him on a weekend. i should call one of his friends to see if they want to get together, considering i'm pretty good friends with them, it would just seem wierd with not being the tag along. i miss sitting on my butt with friends playing video games all day...

wait, i didn't just say that lol, and from this i also declare that i'm probably the only person not looking forword to turning 21
i know i'm a loser, but hey, i like my youth, and my legos
thats what i want for my birthday, legos
if any one gets me beer, i'll be disapointed lolz
i should go to a show thats 21+ just because i will be able to, and that will be my gimptastic 21st birthday
or go out, and then have one hell of a lan party, that sounds fun as hell dawg
the martypart 21 frag sounds like i'm making fun of frats...frag..frat..get it
k, i'm done this is long, and rather
and r words rock


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