Sunday, February 03, 2008

...its been awhile..

It has almost been a year since I last updated this. If you can't tell I'm no longer using this as a photoblog, as i have a photoblog. A lot has changed in the past year. mistakes were made. I tumbled down a ever growing hill, each time I fell i realized how this truly is the "me" generation. I feel like I have to do my part to keep everyone I know happy, but when it comes to simple little stupid things for myself, for the tinny bit of attention to put a smile on my face, a simple gesture of love and devotion. It feels like i have to jump though flaming hops sometimes just to get it. Why dose life have to be so complicated. Once you hit 18 it just hits you. Your simple life you once new is gone, and it all goes down hill from there.


At 2/04/2008 7:51 AM, Blogger John said...

Not kill your emo spirit any more, but it'll continue for a few years that way. Then, at 22 (for me anyways) you start to get answers to your questions. They're unexpected, and not what you want, but they're answers.

But remember this, not everyone is here so you can make them happy. Some of us are here because we care about you, and we'll listen and talk over the difficult things, without expecting anything in return.


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