Sunday, April 30, 2006

Normal i dont like to do this with this account

but this is somthing thats been on my mind alot as of late, and starting to bug here it is, if your looking at this for photos and stuff, there will be some new stuff in the comming weeks...

Dear Genders,
im getting bothered by all this gender bashing im seeing, and its starting to irck me grealy, considering both male and females make mistakes, do the steryotypical

Female: just because you know guys that are ass holes dosent mean you can generlize that all males are immoral/unjudgemental/just want to use you like a toy. because honistly like you can be any better if we are going to sterotypicalise? thats why girls tend to love haveing more then one crush and fallowing though with the other crush, thats why you create more drama then you need, its why you dont do jack to make it anywere in the world, and you just bitch that males ruin it, when in reality you dont see many FEMALES at NOAA, or other places, and + females like to backstabe there friends more then males do

MALES: Frist off, get you head out of your pants. secound off just because girls create ussless drama and add more stress to themselfs dosent mean you get mad and blow them off, you have emotions to, stop trying to act like the tought guy, cuz the real tuff guy would hold is S.O when she needed it. third thing, not ALL girls are bitches, whores, sluts, nor are they all stupid, mostly because of the past and how people, even women themselfs dident want females to do much but sit at home and do nothing, give them a chance to shine, ask them for help..because they are smarter then you care to belive. lasty. have them, use them, being like bam dosent make you cool, infact it makes you suck more then you care to belive
in sort:
Both genders, stop makeing pokeing fun at each other, when in reality we are both the same and have the exact same flaws, girls can be immoral/impoper, and can backstab, so can males, girls can think more about whats in a guys pants than in his head, and you cant tell me i'm wrong, or why is there a thing called softcore porn,and why do girls talk about sex lives/sex stories more then males do?
so, in sort, both genders have made mistakes that we keep on saying "males" make, or that"females"make, we hate steryopicalising people so much, so why must we do it with genders
just cuz your a girl dosent mean you have a reason to bitch, just because you a guy dosent mean you have to be immoral
is this the 1st grade still? no its called life its called going beyound simple little mistakes that are going to come up and bit your ass if you dont just talk about them and be CIVIL with them. its not that hard, if it is, then you makeing life 987539845 times harder then it needs to be with silly agurements that dont need to be said
i would/could go more in depth but its a lovely day outside, and im seeing my girlfriend later this afternoon, and im sure you get the idea, gender bashing isent going to help, stop acting like your 3 you have a voice, you have a brain, talk, ask questions
after all..god said treat others the way you want to be treated, you wanted to be treated like your 4 with name calling, then start it
god made everyone EQUAL *go look up that word if you dont know what that means*
geez..lord help us...

no wonder the world is so filled with problems..we all act like we're 4-6...