Sunday, February 03, 2008

...its been awhile..

It has almost been a year since I last updated this. If you can't tell I'm no longer using this as a photoblog, as i have a photoblog. A lot has changed in the past year. mistakes were made. I tumbled down a ever growing hill, each time I fell i realized how this truly is the "me" generation. I feel like I have to do my part to keep everyone I know happy, but when it comes to simple little stupid things for myself, for the tinny bit of attention to put a smile on my face, a simple gesture of love and devotion. It feels like i have to jump though flaming hops sometimes just to get it. Why dose life have to be so complicated. Once you hit 18 it just hits you. Your simple life you once new is gone, and it all goes down hill from there.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring, spring

i haven't used this in ages *blows dust off* now, were was i?

oh yes, spring is in the air, i've always have loved this season. the season of renewal, and change. Also, nothing beats the smell of a spring storm, except maybe Christmas cookies, but i have to wait awhile for that. how is my life? well, lets see...its, life i suppose. not to great right now, but not at its worst, not by a long shot. my job is really pissing me off, for the first time i'm pissed at my boss, he can be nice, but damn he can be a pain in my ass sometimes he just really gets to me. dont work a night at a subway, you will be blamed for everything. trust me. i'm not working as much this week, so hopefully i will be able to go out and take some pictures, as well as start my new goal of going to the troy skatepark, or other area skateparks 2-3 times a week if able. just so my doodle doesn't get upset, free ones :P. i can't wait till the flowers return, and the leafs on the trees. i'm hoeing this spring will be my own personal renewal. Considering i finally know what i really want with my life now, and don't want to lose grasp of it like i almost have. it sucks that my two best friends are gone, i always seem to have a great time with them, regardless of my mood, they can always pick me up. my best friend joe, is out in Washington state trying to get some money, and my other, nick is out studding abroad in Germany. as well as my other friends, but most of my friends are uber nerds and thus, have no social life :P hahaha jk guys. i really need to show people more of the side of me that joe see's that goffy, you cant shut me up side, but i really dont now, because most people just go "OMG HE SPEEKS" and it embarrasses me so i just shut down. ah, oh well i'd rather get dumb comments like that then be a mute and look depressed the rest of my life.

and the things between my dad and myself are well, ever since he started going roller skating at skate world he has been fairly happy, and rather pleasant to be around. it sucks my brother probably wont be coming home this summer, but i can understand why, i should take sam and go visit him on a weekend. i should call one of his friends to see if they want to get together, considering i'm pretty good friends with them, it would just seem wierd with not being the tag along. i miss sitting on my butt with friends playing video games all day...

wait, i didn't just say that lol, and from this i also declare that i'm probably the only person not looking forword to turning 21
i know i'm a loser, but hey, i like my youth, and my legos
thats what i want for my birthday, legos
if any one gets me beer, i'll be disapointed lolz
i should go to a show thats 21+ just because i will be able to, and that will be my gimptastic 21st birthday
or go out, and then have one hell of a lan party, that sounds fun as hell dawg
the martypart 21 frag sounds like i'm making fun of frats...frag..frat..get it
k, i'm done this is long, and rather
and r words rock

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Normal i dont like to do this with this account

but this is somthing thats been on my mind alot as of late, and starting to bug here it is, if your looking at this for photos and stuff, there will be some new stuff in the comming weeks...

Dear Genders,
im getting bothered by all this gender bashing im seeing, and its starting to irck me grealy, considering both male and females make mistakes, do the steryotypical

Female: just because you know guys that are ass holes dosent mean you can generlize that all males are immoral/unjudgemental/just want to use you like a toy. because honistly like you can be any better if we are going to sterotypicalise? thats why girls tend to love haveing more then one crush and fallowing though with the other crush, thats why you create more drama then you need, its why you dont do jack to make it anywere in the world, and you just bitch that males ruin it, when in reality you dont see many FEMALES at NOAA, or other places, and + females like to backstabe there friends more then males do

MALES: Frist off, get you head out of your pants. secound off just because girls create ussless drama and add more stress to themselfs dosent mean you get mad and blow them off, you have emotions to, stop trying to act like the tought guy, cuz the real tuff guy would hold is S.O when she needed it. third thing, not ALL girls are bitches, whores, sluts, nor are they all stupid, mostly because of the past and how people, even women themselfs dident want females to do much but sit at home and do nothing, give them a chance to shine, ask them for help..because they are smarter then you care to belive. lasty. have them, use them, being like bam dosent make you cool, infact it makes you suck more then you care to belive
in sort:
Both genders, stop makeing pokeing fun at each other, when in reality we are both the same and have the exact same flaws, girls can be immoral/impoper, and can backstab, so can males, girls can think more about whats in a guys pants than in his head, and you cant tell me i'm wrong, or why is there a thing called softcore porn,and why do girls talk about sex lives/sex stories more then males do?
so, in sort, both genders have made mistakes that we keep on saying "males" make, or that"females"make, we hate steryopicalising people so much, so why must we do it with genders
just cuz your a girl dosent mean you have a reason to bitch, just because you a guy dosent mean you have to be immoral
is this the 1st grade still? no its called life its called going beyound simple little mistakes that are going to come up and bit your ass if you dont just talk about them and be CIVIL with them. its not that hard, if it is, then you makeing life 987539845 times harder then it needs to be with silly agurements that dont need to be said
i would/could go more in depth but its a lovely day outside, and im seeing my girlfriend later this afternoon, and im sure you get the idea, gender bashing isent going to help, stop acting like your 3 you have a voice, you have a brain, talk, ask questions
after all..god said treat others the way you want to be treated, you wanted to be treated like your 4 with name calling, then start it
god made everyone EQUAL *go look up that word if you dont know what that means*
geez..lord help us...

no wonder the world is so filled with problems..we all act like we're 4-6...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

scanagram, made for my intro digital film class Posted by Picasa

my amp/bass, taken as part of an exposure series Posted by Picasa

a close up of the same sun set, terragen sun anybuddy? Posted by Picasa

sunset out around 12 oaks mall (in novi MI) Posted by Picasa

My girlfriends teddy bear oatmeal sitting on my bed, tried my differnt edits once again because i still wanted more color then just the teddy bear its self Posted by Picasa

fall trees behind my house, trying some more differnt postworks Posted by Picasa

girlfriend yet again, at my house, isent she a cuttie :) Posted by Picasa

just some minor editing of a fallen leaf. i think i have a better virsion, mostly trying new differnt things Posted by Picasa

some fallen leafs in the creak in yates park Posted by Picasa

My girlfriend at yates park acrose from the cedar mill Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 09, 2005

A terragen render i made for my girlfriend last night, well i had the render i just was working on it. The grass textureing is pretty bland i know and there is to much empty space. I'm currently working on painting a planet in photoshop to help with that problem. Also, I might be adding a light starfeild if i feel it is nessicary. Feel free to comment if you want to point anything else out to me! Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 29, 2005

just to make up for not leaving the picture of my baby, and myself on top, so i'll just finish off with our vandalizim, such punks i know Posted by Picasa

4 secounds on the pound in my backyard, long exposer+water=the best. Posted by Picasa

Took the day before we left camping. I Competly forgot about it. I tend to do that alot. haha. I have a thing for takeing pictures of flowers, incase you couldent tell Posted by Picasa

Nice long exposer of fire when i went camping back in june. Good times had by all, i wish i could do it again. this time not 15 menuits out of bay city, michigan and close to a beach would be nice..mmm.. Posted by Picasa

My dear girlfriend Samantha <333, Whome I love dearly, And myself looking stupid as normal. Just so you know, I'm proud of looking stupid!! ITS SOO MUCH FUN!!! Posted by Picasa

10 secound exposer behind my house, the red grainy noise is from the light polition from the "downtown" of the city of my home city of troy Posted by Picasa

Useing nicks polrizing filter i took this photo. The polarizing filter rids of all the reflected light bringing out colours better, expesaly with the sky, i had to hand hold the filter because i dident have a step up adaptor for my camera, and i'm to lazzy to crop that vnerize in the upper right. Posted by Picasa

My Personal Favorite out of a collection of macro shots i took while nick was over *i used his macro filter lens* Posted by Picasa

Nick again, takeing a picture of me. No he waited till i had my camera down before takeing the picture, we're not that scene, as muchs my profile picture looks scene, gah!! Posted by Picasa

my best friend nick takeing a long exposer of the pond behind my house, just felt like showing the world that he dose more then sit around on his compy Posted by Picasa

Just a simple 3 secound exposer of the late evening sky behind my house, nothing to complicated Posted by Picasa

Idk about this picture, but i really love the effect the clouds have, how it has that "taken from space" kinda feeling. taken the same day as the one i posted before this. Posted by Picasa

Taken on the 21st or so of July, out in my back yard, the sky was filled with thine upper atmospheric clouds, it was a nice day to take pictures of clouds of i do say so myself Posted by Picasa

Sunset outside my house, not at were the sun was setting, but still lovely none the less in my opinion, the clouds looked amazing Posted by Picasa